Thank goodness for the underground. It was a bit confusing to begin with - I can count on one hand how many times I've ridden public transportation as an adult, so it was a learning experience for the both of us. We took it everywhere, but BEWARE - if you get a day pass to ride the tube - make sure your pass is NOT next to you cell phone. The cell phone will demagnetize the card. I only got to use is properly once before I ruined it. :) So every time I had to enter or exit another underground station, I had to show my pass to the staffer and they had to let me through the turnstile with their own security. Talk about embarrassing - it must be a known problem or at least they are accommodating to foreigners. :) The below picture is one we took after our first successful trip with the tube. (Just remember...if you have trouble seeing the pictures because of their size simply click on them to see them in full size.)

No, I do not have bad of a receding hairline yet....a train had just passed before John took this picture. :)
Next it was on to Abbey Road and I sure hope I do not have to explain what Abbey Road anyone reading this blog. :) John has been looking forward to this crossing since we began planning this trip. So very glad he was able to fulfill this goal. Here he is crossing with another group of folks trying to mimic the iconic image. Londoners in this section of the city must have a lot of patience to put up with tourists. That group of 3 ladies standing before John....well they tried it three times before they got the right picture they wanted. John was simply walking the walk. :)
Here are a few pictures of the actual studio entrance. The public was not allowed beyond the gate.
Here are some more incredible structures from the St. John Wood District.
We hopped back on the Tube for a short ride to Baker Street. A very special person asked me a while ago that if we got to this particular area on our trip, if I could take a picture of 221B Baker Street. Well, I just couldn't pass that up. Those of you who are sleuths or like the present-day tv show Elementary will know what this photo means. :)
Our next tube ride was to Hyde Park, one of the Royal Parks in London. Lots of things to see here, so I'm just going to let the pictures speak for themselves, with very limited journaling by me.
Momma and her babies.
This one cracks me up! LOL!
A bird's eye view of the birds. :)

The next attraction in Hyde Park was one that I have been waiting to see. The Princess Diana Memorial Gardens and Fountain. And it was spectacular. It has three different designs where the water flows in both directions and is one created for the public to fully enjoy. It was adorable watching little girls walk through the water with their dresses pulled up a bit so they wouldn't get wet. And then there were the know....boys will be boys. :)

At the other end of Hyde Park is Princess Diana's home - Kensington Palace. Even though it was quite the walk there (no tube service through the park), I just couldn't pass up seeing it.
Roses which were the same species my mom had outside of their home.
Front entrance to Kensington Palace
Queen Victoria
John and I in front of the pond before Kensington Palace
Full view of the palace
Our last site in Hyde Park (and one we did not anticipate seeing) was this enormous (almost obnoxious) memorial to Prince Albert - Queen Victoria's husband. It had a Cesar-like, narcissistic appearance and was truly a site to behold.
After catching the Tube to another area to pick up a Hard Rock Cafe' t-shirt for one of John's co-workers, we finally made our way back to our hotel room for only a little while because we had an evening tour planned.
Both of us are besotted with true crime stories - and what significant unsolved crime of all time in London? The U.S. may have Ted Bundy, the Zodiac Killer, the Green River Killer, (yeah, the list goes on and on) but London has Jack the Ripper - murders back in September - November 1888. Never solved - only speculated as to whom he was. The tour took us through more of the sites around London and ended up in the "killing fields" of Jack the Ripper. The majority of the locations where he committed the murders are now modernized expect for one location and we were taken to that location. Now is turned into eateries and bars, but the buildings are the same and the alley is the same---very tiny and dark...very eerie.
This ended our stay in London. On Wednesday we travel to other places. :)