Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday, May 25, 2017

WE FINALLY MADE IT!!!   Some of you know that John and I have been working for the past 3 years on making this dream vacation of ours a reality --- and it's finally here.  We've put together what we hope is going to be an adventure of a lifetime, and we are so very happy that you have chosen to come along with us on this journey. 

The flight over from Minneapolis was a bit tough since neither one of us got much sleep at all on the plane - for obvious reasons.  And not to mention our first stop - Iceland - is 5 hours ahead of Minnesota.  Leaving at 7:30 p.m. Minnesota time and arriving at 6:30 a.m. Iceland time really can wreck havoc on a person's internal clock.  While most of you were in dreamland - we were picking up our bags and hitching a ride to our new home for a few days. 

We've chosen to not say much about this trip just for the simple reason we want those of you interested in following us to be as surprised as we are when we start each new day with all the possibilities of a new adventure ahead of us.  We won't be sharing any future days --- you will just have to come along with us for the ride.  :) 

We are learning the hard way how to become world travelers....what to pack and what can really stay home.  Even though I wanted to bring 7 pairs of shoes, I only have 3.  And those of you that know what a shoe diva I can be, I hope you have some sympathy for me.  LOL! 

Iceland is overcast, drizzling and chilly today - only in the lows 50s - but it's still beautiful to us.  Our eyes have never seen these lands before, so it doesn't matter how cold, wet, hot, or otherwise, we are just grateful to be here. 

Just took a few pictures today.  We took a 4-hour walk around Reykjavik just to see what was here.  Saturday we will be doing the tourist thing of sightseeing around town, so more pictures will be taken then.  Tomorrow.....well, let's just say - our adventure will continue. 

This is a picture of a volcano seen while heading to our apartment.
This is the front of the apartment complex we are renting.

And this is a church directly in front of our building.


  1. How fun!!! Looking forward to following you on your journey. Have a wonderful time and I hope you recover quickly from the jet lag.

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July 3, 2019 - Pere Lachaise Cemetery

Today wasn't so hurried of day spent with others rushing about the city.  Instead we traveled to the 20th arrondissement to pay ...